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      2 PAM CI pralidoxime chloride
      AC alternating current
      ACE armored combat earthmover
      ACR armored cavalry regiment
      AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
      AIPD Army Institute for Professional Development
      AIT advanced individual training
      ANCOC advanced noncommissioned officer course
      APC armored personnel carrier
      AR Army regulation
      ARNG Army National Guard
      ASL assistant squad leader
      ATNAA antidote treatment nerve agent autoinjector
      ATN Ausbildungs- und Tätigkeitsnummer
      AUD audio (panel nomenclature)
      AVPU alert, responds to voice, responds to pain, unresponsive
      AWT Army Warrior Training
      az azimuth
      ba battery
      BCT basic combat training
      BDO battle dress overgarment
      BDU battle dress uniform
      BFV Bradley fighting vehicle
      BII basic item issue
      BM benchmark
      BNCOC basic noncommissioned officer course
      BOD bore obstruction device
      BTB believed-to-be
      BVO black vinyl overboots
      C2W command and control warfare
      CA Civil Affairs
      CAM chemical-agent monitor
      CANA convulsant antidote for nerve agents
      CASEVAC casualty evacuation
      C-A-T combat application tourniquet
      CB chemical-biological
      CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
      CCW counterclockwise
      CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
      cGyph centigray per hour
      CL classification
      CLP cleaner, lubricant, and preservative
      clr clear (panel nomenclature)
      cm centimeters
      co company
      COE contemporary operating environment
      CPFC chemical protective footwear cover
      CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
      CSF cerebrospinal fluid
      CVC combat vehicle crewman
      CWA chemical warfare agent
      DA Department of the Army
      DNBI disease and nonbattle injury
      DOD Department of Defense
      DS decontaminating solution
      DSS Diplomatic Security Service
      DTG date-time group
      DU depleted uranium
      EHI extra-high intensity
      EMP electromagnetic pulse
      EMR electromagnetic radiation
      EOD explosive ordnance disposal
      EST Engagement Skills Trainer
      ETS expiration term of service
      F Fahrenheit, fail
      FAK first aid kit
      FDC fire direction center
      FEBA forward edge of the battle area
      FM frequency modulated
      FMC field medical card
      FORSCOM United States Army Forces Command
      FPL final protective line
      FRAGO fragmentary order
      FTX field training exercise
      FY fiscal year
      G2 Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence)
      G3 Assistant Chief of Staff (Operations and Plans)
      GI government issue
      G-M grid-magnetic
      GPS global positioning system
      GS general support
      GTA graphic training aid
      HAZMAT hazardous material
      HBV hepatitis B virus
      HE high explosive
      HEPA high-efficiency particulate air
      HIV human immunodeficiency virus
      HOB height of burst
      HMMWV high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
      HQ headquarters
      hr hour
      HRCRD handheld remote control radio device
      HSB heavy separate brigade
      HUMINT human intelligence
      IAW in accordance with
      ID identification
      IED improvised explosive device
      IEDK individual equipment decontamination kit
      IFAK Improved First-Aid Kit (Army)
      IFAK Individual First Aid Kit (USMC)
      IMINT imagery intelligence
      ISO International Organization for Standardization
      IV intravenous
      IVIS intervehicular information system
      JP joint publication
      JSLIST joint-Service, lightweight integrated suit technology
      LAW lubricating oil arctic weather
      lb pound
      LBE load-bearing equipment
      LCE load-carrying equipment
      LCSS Lightweight Camouflage Screen System
      LED light emitting diode
      LSA lubricating oil, semifluid, automatic weapon
      m meter
      MACOM major Army command
      mag magnetic
      MASINT measurement and signature intelligence
      MCSR materiel condition status report
      MEDEVAC medical evacuation
      METL mission essential task list
      METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and
      support available,time available, civil considerations
      MIJI meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference
      min minute
      ml milliliter
      mm millimeter
      MOA minute of adjustment
      MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
      MOLLE MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment (spricht man Molly aus)
      MOS military occupational specialty
      MOUT military operations in urban terrain
      MP military police
      mph miles per hour
      MRE meal, ready to eat
      MTP mission training plan
      MULO multipurpose overboots
      NA not applicable
      NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
      NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical
      NBCC nuclear, biological, and chemical center
      NCO noncommissioned officer
      NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge
      NCS net control station
      NL no limit
      NMC not mission capable
      NPA nasopharyngeal airway
      NSN National Stock Number
      OBSINTEL obstacle intelligence
      OEG operational exposure guidance
      OIP organizational inspection program
      OPLAN operations plan
      OPORD operations order
      OPREP operations report
      OPSEC operations security
      OSUT one-station unit training
      OT observer-target
      P pass
      PAC personnel actions center
      PASGT personnel armor system ground troop
      PATI protection assessment test instrument
      PATS protection assessment test system
      PBIED person-borne improvised explosive device
      PCS permanent change of station
      PDF principal direction of fire
      PLDC Primary Leadership Development Course
      plt platoon
      PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services
      PMM preventive medicine measure
      STP 21-1-SMCT 14 December 2007 Glossary-5
      POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
      PW prisoner of war
      pwr power (panel nomenclature)
      qt quart/quarterly
      RALS right add/left subtract
      RBC rifle bore cleaner
      ROE rules of engagement
      ROI rules of interaction
      RP reference point
      RPG rocket-propelled grenade
      RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
      RT radio transmission
      RUF rules for the use of force
      RYE retirement year ending
      S1 personnel staff officer
      SA semiannually
      SALUTE size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment
      SANDI stop, assess, note, draw back, inform
      SC single channel
      SERE survival, evasion, resistance, or escape
      SERPACWA skin exposure reduction paste against chemical warfare
      SD self development
      SIB separate infantry brigade
      SITREP situation report
      SINCGARS single-channel ground and airborne radio system
      SL skill level
      SM Soldier’s manual
      SMCT Soldier’s manual of common tasks
      SME subject matter expert
      SOI signal operation instructions
      SOP standing operating procedure
      SP start point
      SPOTREP spot report
      sqd squad
      SSN social security number
      STAN Stärke- und Ausrüstungsnachweisung
      STB super tropical bleach
      STD sexually transmitted disease
      STP Soldier’s training publication
      T&E traversing and elevation
      TACSOP tactical standing operating procedure
      TC training circular
      TCCC tactical combat casualty care
      TEK traffic encryption key
      TEMS Tactical Emergency Medical Support
      TM technical manual
      TOC tactical operations center
      TOE table of organization and equipment
      TOW tube launched, optically tracked, wire guided
      TSC training support center
      TSOP tactical standing operating procedure
      TT tactical telephone
      TW target width
      TWS thermal weapon sight
      UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
      UIC unit identifier code
      ULLS-G unit level logistics system-ground
      UN United Nations
      U.S. United States
      USAR United States Army Reserve
      UXO unexploded ordnance
      VBIED vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
      WBGT wet bulb globe temperature
      WO warning order
      WTBD warrior tasks and battle drills
      mobiles Laserschießkino zu vermieten

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    • TQ Tourniquet
      QC Quickclot
      HC HemCon
      MC Multicam
      SDH Stammdienststelle des Heeres
      SDBw Stammdienststelle der Bundeswehr
      KSK Kommando Spezial Kräfte
      FschSpezZg Fallschirmspezialzug
      BFE Beweis-und Festnahmeeinheit
      USK Unterstützungskommando
      SEK Sondereinsatzkommando
      FM Fieldmanual
      Fm Fernmelde
      GeZi Geschäftszimmer
      MILF Mother/Mom i like to fuck
      ACS Asherman Chest Seal
      BCS Bolin Chest Seal
      EB Emergency Bandage
      Izzy Emergengy Bandage
      OLAES/OALES ähnlich wie EB
      SOFT Special Operation Forces Tourniquet
      SOFT-T Special Operation Forces Tactical Tourniquet
      CFR Combat first responder
      EEH Einsatzersthelfer
      FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (alles scheisse)
      CM Combat Medic

      ABC Atomar Biologisch Chemisch
      ABC-Se Atomar Biologisch Chemisch - Selbstschutz
      AFOR Albania Force
      AGeoBw Amt für Geoinformationswesen der Bundeswehr
      Alliance Ground Surveillance System
      AIK Akademie der Bundeswehr für Information und Kommunikation
      ANA Afghanisch Nationale Armee
      APMÜ Anti-Personenminen-Übereinkommen
      AUTOFÜ Automatisches Führungsfernmeldenetz
      AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
      ATF-Dingo Allschutz-Transportfahrzeug Dingo
      BAT Beweglicher Arzttrupp
      BALTSEA Baltic Security Assistance Group
      BALTBAT Baltic Battalion
      BALTDEFCOL Baltic Defence College
      BALTRON Baltic Naval Squadron
      BALTNET Baltic Air Surveillance Network
      BAWV Bundesamt für Wehrverwaltung
      BMVg Bundesministerium der Verteidiung
      BWB Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung
      BAkWVT Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik
      CC-Land Component Command - Land
      CIMIC Civil Military Cooperation
      CISM Conseil International du Sport Militaire
      COMKFOR Commander Kosovo Force
      CWÜ Chemiewaffenübereinkommen
      DCI Defence Capabilities Initiative
      DDO Deputy Director for Operations
      DDO Dienstältester Deutscher Offizier
      DFAT Deutsch-Französischen Ausbildungseinrichtung Kampfhubschrauber Tiger
      DSO Division Spezielle Operationen
      DTA Directorate Technical Airworthiness
      DtEinsKtgt Deutsches Einsatzkontingent
      DURO Teilgepanzertes Fahrzeug
      EAPR Euro-Atlantischer Partnerschaftsrat
      ECR Electronic Combat Reconnaissance
      EAA European Armaments Agency
      EHG European Headline Goal
      EIS European Infantry Seminar
      EinsFüKdoBw Einsatzführungskommando der Bundeswehr
      EADS European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
      EloKa Elektronische Kampführung
      ESK Einsatzfahrzeuge Spezialisierte Kräfte
      ESSM Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile
      ESVI Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsidentität
      EGV Einsatzgruppenversorge
      EPA Einmannpackung
      ESVP Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik
      EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
      EOR Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance
      FSA Fahrzeug-Schutz-Ausstattung
      FüUstgRgt Führungsunterstützungsregiment
      FWDL Freiwillig Zusätzlichen Wehrdienst Leistende(r)
      FSHT Fachschule des Heeres für Technik
      Fü S Führungsstab Streitkräfte
      Fü L Führungsstab Luftwaffe
      Fü M Führungsstab Marine
      Fü H Führungsstab Heer
      GAFTAG German Armed Forces Technical Advisory Group
      GASP Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
      GTK gepanzertes Transport-Kraftfahrzeug
      GAST Gemeinsames Auswertesystem
      GCMC George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch Partenkirchen GEBB Gesellschaft für Entwicklung, Beschaffung und Betrieb
      GIG Gründungsstab IT-Gesellschaft
      GPS Global Positioning System
      GTZ Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit
      GUS Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten
      GWDL Grundwehrdienst Leistender
      HFüKdo Heeresführungskommando
      HEROS Heeresführungsinformationssystem für die rechnergestützte Operationsführung in Stäben
      HOT High-subsonic Optically-guided Tube-launched
      HNS Host Nation Support
      IAPTC International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres
      IBuK Inhaber der Befehls- und Kommandogewalt
      ICAO Internationale Zivilluftfahrt-Organisation
      ICAOC Interim Combined Air Operation Center
      IFOR Implementation Force
      INTERFET International Force East Timor
      INF Intermediate Range nuclear Forces
      ISAF International Security Assistance Force
      IdZ Infanterist der Zukunft
      IRIS-T Infra-Red Imaging System - Tail/Thrust Vector Controlled
      IOC Initial Operational Capability
      JHQ Joint Headquarter
      KFOR Kosovo Force
      KIT Kompetenzzentrum Informationstechnologie
      KVP Kasernierte Volkspolizei
      KSE Konventionelle Streitkräfte in Europa
      KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte
      KLK Kommando Luftbewegliche Kräfte
      KLV Kosten- und Leistungsverantwortung
      KMNB Kabul Multinational Brigade
      KResBw Konzeption für die Reservistinnen und Reservisten der Bundeswehr
      LFK Lenkflugkörper
      LTStP Lufttransportstützpunkt
      LUNA Luftgestützte Unbemannte Nahaufklärungs-Ausstattung
      Lw Luftwaffe
      LHBw LH Bundeswehr Bekleidungsgesellschaft mbH
      MARS Mittlere Artillerie Raketen System
      MG Maschinengewehr
      MAW modulare Abstandswaffe
      MGFA Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
      MEADS Medium Extended Range Air Defence System
      MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation
      MIDS Multifunctional Information Distribution System
      MilNWBw Militärisches Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr
      MNC NE Multinational Corps Northeast
      MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft
      MRTT Multi Role Transport Tanker
      MUCONPERS Multi-fähigerContainer zur Personenbeförderung
      NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
      NAMSA NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
      NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
      NSSM NATO SeaSparrow Missile
      NAEW NATO Airborne Early Warning E-3A Component
      NetOpFü Vernetzte Operationsführung
      NRF NATO Response Force
      OHQ Operations Headquarters
      OSH Offizierschule des Heeres
      OSZE Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa
      OCCAR Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en Matière dArmement
      OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
      PfP Partnership for Peace
      PIZ SKB Presse- und Informationszentrum der Streitkräftebasis
      PRT Provincial Reconstruction Team
      PSM Personalstrukturmodell
      PARS Panzerabwehr - Raketensystem
      PSZ Personal-, Sozial- und Zentralangelegenheiten
      QRA Quick Reaction Alert
      RACVIAC Regional Arms Control Verification and Implementation Assistance Center
      RAM Rolling Airframe Missile
      SALW Small and light weapons
      SASPF Standard Anwendungs Software Produkt Familien
      SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe
      SAR Search and Rescue
      SATCOM Satellite Communication
      SportSBW Sportschule der Bundeswehr
      SDGleiG Soldatinnen- und Soldatengleichstellungsdurchsetzungsgesetz
      SFOR Stabilization Force
      SG Soldatengesetz
      SHAPE Supreme Headquarters (of the) Allied Powers (in) Europe
      SKB Streitkräftebasis
      SKA Streitkräfteamt
      SKUKdo Streitkräfteunterstützungskommando
      SM Standard Missile
      SNBw Schule für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr
      UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organistation
      UNO United Nations Oraganisation
      UN United Nations
      UAV Unmanned Air Vehicle
      UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle
      UNMEE United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
      UNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
      UNOMIG United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia
      UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
      UNSAS United Nations Stand-by Arrangements System
      UNSOC United Nations Staff Officer Course
      USLw Unteroffizierschule der Luftwaffe
      VBK Verteidigungsbezirkskommando
      VKSE Vertrag über konventionelle Streitkräfte in Europa
      VN Vereinten Nationen
      VSBM Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsbildende Maßnahmen
      VPR Verteidigungspolitische Richtlinie
      WBK Wehrbereichskommando
      WDT Wehrtechnische Dienststelle
      WD Wiener Dokument
      WEU Westeuropäischen Union / Western European Union
      WEAG Western European Armaments Group
      WEAO Western European Armaments Organisation
      WHO Weltgesundheitsorganisation
      ZNBw Zentrum für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr
      ZSanDstBw Zentraler Sanitätsdienst der Bundeswehr
      ZMZ Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit
      ZU-Stelle BwTAufkl Zentrale Untersuchungsstelle der Bundeswehr für TechnischeAufklärung
      mobiles Laserschießkino zu vermieten

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    • A - Alpha
      B - Bravo
      C - Charlie
      D - Delta
      E - Ech(e)o
      F - Foxtrott
      G - Golf
      H - Hotel
      I - India
      J - Juliet
      K - Kilo
      L - Lima
      M - Mike
      N - November
      O - Oskar
      P - Papa
      Q - Quebec
      R - Romeo
      S - Sierra
      T - Tango
      U - Uniform
      V - Victor
      W - Whiskey
      X - X-Ray
      Y - Yankee
      Z - Zulu
      AIC- Agent in Charge
      AO- Area of Operation
      AOP- Attack on Principal
      AMCIT - American Citizen
      A-10 - Close air support aircraft (Thunderbolt II)
      A-6 - All-weather, carrier-based attack aircraft (Intruder)
      a.s.a.p. - as soon as possible
      A2A - Air to Air
      AA - Anti Air
      AAC - Army Air Corps
      AAR - Air to Air Refueling
      AB - Afterburner
      ABL - Airborne Laser
      ABNCP - Airborne command post (E-6B Looking Glass)
      ABP - Afghan Border Police
      AC - Aircraft
      AC-130 - Close air support, air interdiction and force protection aircraft (Spectre)
      ACA - Agile Combat Aircraft
      ACC - Air Combat Command
      ACLS - Automatic Carrier Landing System
      ACOG - Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
      ACP - Automatic Colt Pistol
      ACR - Advanced Combat Rifle
      AD - Air Defence
      ADATS - Air Defence Anti Tank System
      ADF - Australien Defence Force
      ADGB - Air Defence of Great Britain
      ADI - Altitude Director Indicator
      AE - Action Express
      AEW - Airborne Early Warning
      AFB - Air Force Base
      AFCENT - Air Forces Central (Europe)
      AFNORTH - Air Forces North (Europe)
      AFSOUTH - Air Forces South (Europe)
      AGL - Automatic Grenade Launcher
      AGM - Air-to-Ground-Missile
      AGM-114 - Air-to-surface anti-armor missile (Hellfire)
      AGM-119 - Air-to-surface anti-ship missile (Penguin)
      AGM-130 - Air-to-surface guided and powered bomb
      AGM-142 - Air-to-surface medium range conventional stand off missile (Raptor)
      AGM-154A - Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)
      AGM-158 - Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)
      AGM-45 - Air-to-surface antiradiation missile (Shrike)
      AGM-65 - Air-to-surface guided missile (Maverick)
      AGM-65E - Air-to-surface guided missile (Maverick)
      AGM-84D - Air-to-surface anti-ship missile (Harpoon)
      AGM-86B - Air-to-ground strategic cruise missile (nuclear)
      AGM-86C - Air-to-ground strategic cruise missile (conventional) (CALCM)
      AGM-88 - Air-to-surface high-speed anti-radiation missile (HARM)
      AH-1 - Attack helicopter (Cobra)
      AH-1W - Attack helicopter (Super Cobra)
      AH-6 - Attack helicopter (Little Bird)
      AH-64 - Attack helicopter (Apache)
      AHAS - Avian Hazard Advisory System
      AI - Accurcy International
      AIM - Air-Intercept-Missile
      AIM-120 - Advanced medium-range air-to-air tactical missile - AMRAAM (Scorpion; Slammer)
      AIM-132 - Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM)
      AIM-54 - Long-range air-to-air missile (Phoenix)
      AIM-7 - Air-to-air radar guided missile (Sparrow)
      AIM-9 - Supersonic, heat-seeking, air-to-air missile (Sidewinder)
      ALARM - Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile
      ALBM - Air Launched Ballistic Missile
      ALCM - Air Launched Cruise Missile
      ALICE - All-purpose Lightweight Indiviudal Carrying Equipment
      A.L.T - Altitude above sea level
      AMRAAM - Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile
      ANG - Air National Guard
      ANA - Afghan National Army
      ANP - Afghan National Police
      AOA - Angle Of Attack
      AOR - Area Of Responsibility
      AP - Armor Piercing
      APU - Auxiliary Power Unit
      AR - Assault Rifle
      ARG - Amphibious Readiness Group
      ARM - Anti Radiation Missile
      ARVN - Army of the Republic of Vietnam
      ASM - Air to Surface Missile, Anti Submarine Missile
      ASRAAM - Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (AIM-132)
      ASROC (VLA) - Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket
      ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare
      AT - Anti-Tank
      ATA - Actual Time of Arrival
      ATC - Air Traffic Control
      ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
      ATGM - Anti Tank Guided Missile
      ATLAS II - Space Launch Vehicle
      AV-8B - Attack aircraft (Harrier II)
      AW - Arctic Warfare
      AWACS - Airborne Warning And Control System
      AWC - Arctic Warfare Covert
      AWM - Arctic Warfare Magnum
      AWOL - Absent WithOut Leave
      AWP - Arctic Warfare Police
      AWSM - Arctic Warfare Super Magnum
      BG- Bad Guy
      BG*- Body Guard
      BVR - Beyond Visual Range - Außerhalb der Sichtweite
      BIAP - Baghdad International Airport.
      BIAP Route (Route 'Irish') - Baghdad International Airport Route
      CAT - Counter Assualt Team
      CCW - Concealed Carry Weapon
      C&E - Cover & Evacuate
      CI - Counter Intelligence
      CID - US Army Criminal Investigation Command
      CMT - Crisis Management Team
      CONUS - Continental United States
      CP - Command Post
      CP* - Close Protection (UK/Europe)
      CPP - Certified Protection Professional
      CPS - Certified Protection Specialist
      COMSEC - Communications Security
      CP - Check Point
      CMT - Crisis Management Team
      CAT - Counter-Assault Team
      CQC - Close quarters combat
      CQB - close quarters battle
      CTR – Close Target Recce
      COA - Course Of Action
      CBT - Combating Terrorism
      CA - Civil Affairs
      CS - Coalition Support
      DOD - Department of Defense
      DoD Card - Department of Defense Card
      DL - Detail Leader
      DS - Bureau of Diplomatic Security
      DSS - Diplomatic Security Services
      DSS* - Department of State Security
      DiFac - Dining Facility
      E&E - Evasion and Escape
      EOD - Explosive Ordonance Disposal
      EOR - Explosive Ordnance Reconaissance
      EP- Executive Protection
      EOD - Explosive Ordnance Detail
      EPW - Enemy Prisoner of War
      ETA - estimated time of arrival - geschätzte Ankunftszeit (bei militärischen Einsätzen)
      ExPat - Ein Amerikaner oder Europäer. Wird im Sprachgebrauch für einen Angestellten benutzt,der kein Einheimischer ist.
      FN - Foreign National
      FARP - Fueling and Rearming Point
      FF - Friendly fire
      FLS - Field Landing Strip
      FM - Field Manual
      FOV - Field of view
      FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared
      HCN - Host Country National
      HN - Host Nation
      HCN - Host Country National
      HE - High Explosive
      HQ – Headquarters
      IA - Immediate Action
      IA - Iraqi Army
      IAD - Immediate Action Drills
      IC - Independent Contractor
      IED - Improvised Explosive Device
      INTEL - Intelligence
      IR - Incident Report
      ICE - The New name for the combined Immigration and Customs Enforcement
      INFOSEC - Information Security
      IDF - Indirect Fire
      IP - Iraqi Police
      KCP - Kabul City Police
      K&R - Kidnap & Ransom (Covers both the insurance and the negotiators. Big in Europe probably due to LLoyds being the first to offer KRI.)
      KRI - Kidnap & Ransom Insurance
      KIA - killed in action - während eines Kampfes getötet
      LEO - Law Enforcement Officer
      LUP – Lying-Up Point
      LRP Ration - Long Range Patrol Ration
      LZ - Landing Zone
      MO - Modus Operandi
      MOS - Military Occupational Speciality
      MTT - Mobile Training Team
      MSR - Main Supple Route
      MAM - Mahdi Melitia (eine Shiitische Para. Mil. Organisation die im Verdacht steht Attentate zu begehen und ethnische Säuberungen durchzuführen)
      MOI - Ministry of Interior
      MOD - Ministry of Defense
      METL - Mission Essential Taasklist
      MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain
      MRC - Major Regional Contingency
      MOS - Military Occupational Speciality Code
      MIA - missing in action
      MNFI - Multi National Forces Iraq
      MNF-I Card - Eine Zutrittslegitimation für nicht Koalitionsangehörige.
      NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service
      NVG - Night Vision Goggles
      NVA – Night Vision Aid
      NGO - Non Government Organization
      OCONUS - Outside the Continental United States
      OP - Observation Post
      OP* - Operation
      OPSEC - Operational Security
      OSI - Office of Special Investigations
      ODF - Out 'Der Flappin'
      OPSEC – Operational Security
      OPFOR - Opposing Forces
      PE - Practical Exercise
      PI - Private Investigator
      PMC - Private-Military Company
      PSF - Private Security Firm
      PIT - Precision/Pursuit/Police-Intervention/ Interception-Technique
      POC - Point of Contact
      POTUS - President of The United States
      PPO - Personal Protection Officer
      PPS - Personal Protection Specialist
      PPU - Presidential Protection Unit
      PSA - Protective Services Agent
      PSA* - Personal Security Agent
      PSC – Private Security Company
      PSD - Protective Services Detail
      PSD* - Personal Security Detachment (Military & PMC)
      PSO - Personal Security Officer
      PT - Physical Training
      PSD - Protective Security Detail, or Personal Security Detail
      PBIED - Pedestrian Borne IED. Selbstmörder.
      PNG – Passive Nightgoggle
      QRF - Quick Reaction Force / Team (im PS)
      ROE - Rules of Engagement
      RON - Remain Overnight
      RSO - Regional Security Officer
      RSO* - Robbery Suppresion Officer
      RCIED - Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (Jammer)
      SD - Surveillance Detection
      SF - Special Forces
      SL - Shift Leader
      SOP - Standard/Standing Operating Procedures
      SOF - Special Operation Forces
      SP - Suspecious Person
      SP* - Start Point
      SAF - Small Arms Fire.
      SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
      SL - Shift Leader
      SPO – Standart Operation Procedure
      SITREP - Situation Report
      TL - Team Leader
      TCN - Third Country National
      TTP - Tactics, Techniques & Procedures
      TCN - Third Country National
      USSS - United States Secret Service
      UXO - Unexploded Ordinance
      VBIED - Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
      VIP - Very Important Person
      VCP – Vehicle Checkpoint
      X-Ray - Röntgen / Röntgengerät
      mobiles Laserschießkino zu vermieten

      [Blockierte Grafik:]
    • @ SEK im aktuellen Gebrauch "Spezialeinsatzkommando" da Sondereinsatzkommando historisch vorbelastet ist
      @ BFE korekter Name ist Beweissicherungs- und Festnahmeeinheit

      CBRN - (Chemical Biological Radiactive Nuclear) - Gefahren
      HiOrg - Hilfsorganisation (alle "weißen" Dienste)
      KatS - Katastrophenschutz
      BBK - Bundesamt für Bevölkerungs- und Katastrophenschutz
      BF - Berufsfeuerwehr
      FF - Freiwillige Feuerwehr
      THW - Technisches Hilfswerk
      ATF - Analytische Task Force
      SEB ABC - Spezialeinheit Bergung ABC
      SEEWA - Schnelleinsatzeinheit Wasseraufbereitung Ausland
      SEEBA - Schnelleinsatzeinheit Bergung Ausland
      ZUB - Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Bund
      BfS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
      BKA - Bundeskriminalamt
      BPol - Bundespolizei
      BGS - Bundesgrenzschutz (heute BPol)
      GSG 9 - heute Eigenbegriff, "Grenzschutzgruppe 9" wird nicht mehr verwandt
      MEK - Mobiles Einsatzkommando
      EHu - Einsatzhundertschaft
      SW - Sonderwagen
      ZumiLa - Zugmaschine mit Ladekran (heute Bergungsräumgerät auf Unimogbasis)
      PSK - Präzisionsschützenkommando
      OSG - Objektschutzgruppe
      DHF - Diensthundeführer
      DHS - Diensthundestaffel
      TEE - Technische Einsatzeinheit
      TEL - Technische Einsatzleitung
      EL - Einsatzleitung
      EAL - Einsatzabschnittsleitung
      UEAL - Unterabschnittsleitung
      LuK - Lage und Koordinierung
      OFD - Oberfinanzdirektion
      HZA - Hauptzollamt
      ZA - Zollamt
      MKG - Mobile Kontrollgruppe
      FKS - Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit
      UGZ - Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll (aufgelöst)
      OEZ - Observationseinheit Zoll (aufgelöst)
      ZUZ - Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll
      BND - Bundesnachrichtendienst
      MAD - Militärischer Abschirmdienst
      BfV - Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz
      LfV - Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz
      Kein Mensch gedeiht ohne Vaterland

      Theodor Storm

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von thwler ()

    • E-Zug - Einsatzzug ( Polizei )
      CAS - Close Air Support
      TAC-P - Tactical Air Control Party
      BIAP - Bagdad International Airport
      BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
      PKM - Pulemyot Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy ( russisches MG )
      SOCOM - Special Operations Command
      GPMG- General Purpose Machine Gun ( kurz Gimpy )
      Wenn Leute mit schäbigen, zerfransten Klamotten, starrem Blick, Verletzungen und unmenschlichen Lauten anfangen auf dich zuzuschwanken dann ist entweder grade Zombieapokalypse;......................
      ............................................................................................................. oder Wacken !
    • Aus dem polizeilichen Sprachgebrauch und wohl eher für die Kameraden aus dem Bereich ZMZ interessant:

      PfdE - Polizeiführer des Einsatzes (bei Großlagen)
      NaSISte - Nachrichtensammel- und Informationsstelle (Teil des Stabes des PfdE)
      (mot.) ITrp - (ggf. motorisierter) Instandsetzungstrupp für Kfz.
      Zylinder - Kräfte in ziviler (eigentlich bürgerlicher) Kleidung
      BPA - Bereitschaftspolizeiabteilung
      EHu - Einsatzhundertschaft der Bepo
      AHu - Alarmhundertschaft des Einzeldienstes
      SW - Sonderwagen, gegen Handwaffen geschützte Transport- und Bergefahrzeuge wie der SW4, vereinzelt SW3 auf Basis des MB GE im Objektschutz, sowie verschiedene ohne eigene Nummerierung als Begleitfahrzeuge z.B. bei Werttransporten, auf Basis verschiedener geländegängiger Kfz, etwa Toyota Survivor
      WAWE oder WaWe - Wasserwerfer, WaWe 9 in Ausmusterung, WaWe 10 im Zulauf

      A - Anton
      Ä - Ärger
      B - Bertha
      C - Cäsar
      ch - Charlotte
      D - Dora
      E - Emil
      F - Friedrich
      G - Gustaf
      H - Heinrich
      I - Ida
      J - Julius
      K - Kaufmann
      L - Ludwig
      M - Martha
      N - Nordpol
      O - Otto
      Ö - Ökonom
      P - Paula
      Q - Quelle
      R - Richard
      S - Siegfried
      sch - Schule
      T - Theodor
      U - Ullrich
      Ü - Übel
      V - Viktor
      W - Wilhelm
      X - Xanthippe
      Z - Zeppelin
      ß - Esszett
      Force B - DSB - BdMP - VdRBw - BDS